Tuesday 4 October 2016

The audience

my primary audience is going to be females age 15-25 who enjoy romance movies, this is because research on romance movie audiences show that younger girls are more likely to watch romance movies, as groups with their friends or with their partner as romance films are said to be more casual movies for people to watch with more lighthearted themes and focuses its easily something audiences have fun while watching.my secondary audience would be a mixed gender group of 35-45 year olds as these are the second highest group research proves that show interest in romance films. although again the higher interest levels rest with females of that age, i believe it is important to have a mixed target audience because this firstly increases the audience size and possible profit for a movie but also because a film is made to entertain and the more people it can entertain the more successful a film is perceived. i believe the characters being teen aged to young adults would fit best with the target audience of my film as this could be something they could relate to while the secondary audience might find it harder to relate to the movie first hand they may still connect having already lived that part of their lives. On the JICNAR scale of demographics i believe my primary audience would fit to D-E as they are likely to be students or young university graduates with no or low paid jobs as they have low levels of experience for work, while my secondary audience would fit into the C1-C2 portion of the jicnar scale as they are assumed to have higher payed jobs than younger groups of people. In their spare time my target audience are likely to spend time socialising with their peers on social media and in person, they are likely to take part in clubs with their hobbies in mind while also trying to do things to keep them active as well as to increase their likely hood of being employed, roles in which they can learn social skills like leadership and teamwork ect.. they are likely to have the income or money to spend on entertainment such as games and movies. my primary audience's lifestyle I assume to be fit and social. i expect that older women in my target audience are likely to drink alcohol responsibly with friends on social outings, but the younger of my target to not. my film will be aimed at first world countries so i assume my audience to have fulfilling lives and good education, i expect them to have a social media presence on sites like facebook twitter and youtube as these are common social sites which younger people tend to use frequently. from experience my target audience are most liekly to consume media products through the internet on their phones or on their computers personally, while tv is still quite a big platform for media consumption. my secondary audience are however more likely to consume media through their TVs as they have the money for it as well as it being more common in their age group due to the newer platforms being focused mostly toward younger audiences.i expect that my audience are likely to fit into the "mainstreamer" label of the pycographic theory, this is because it is easy to fit into as you are younger, peer pressure to be like everybody else may aid this but younger people tend to share the same interests as each other or similar at least. i imagine my secondary audience are likely to fit into the "succeeder" label as the stereotypes for 35-45 year olds are that they are successful and organised, they have good work ethics but are still social with their peers.

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