Tuesday 18 October 2016

Trailer setup

Act 1- Set up~equilibrium
A flashback scene of a school setting in which some boys, main guy in the foreground, and the girl runs away in tears whilst clutching her books to her chest. However, the boy was in the front as he was trying to hold the guys back which gave the girl time to run away. The girls eyes were so filled with tears she couldn't tell the difference so being shot from her point of view shows the audience what she sees and initially makes them feel sorry for her.
Act 2- Confrontation~dis-equilibrium
The girl overcomes her fears and there are shots of her at present in her new and successful career in which she has created out of determination of this guy dragging her down over so many years. 
However, when she thinks that she has finally gotten past this guy that she believes has traumatised her for so many years he turns up out of the blue with a job in her business.
Temporary solution- She avoids him and runs into her office.
Act 3- Resolution~Re-equilibrium
He approaches her and tries to tell her of how she had got him wrong the whole time and confesses his love for her. He explains the bullying situation and the audience sees the flashback scenes again as a whole, not just from her perspective.
Plot twist
She is already in a happy and flourishing relationship with a girl, that helped her when she believed she was being bullied, so leaves him heart broken.
  • The young girl-Charlie~feminine and vulnerable looking. Stereotypical geek with glasses and her hair in bunches or a ponytail. Dressed in a school uniform/ ALTERNATIVE- geeky casual clothes e.g. school uniform like but her own choice skirt, jumper, shirt,  long skirt and wooly tights with sensible shoes, books in her hand.-Damsel
  • The young bully-Sam~ Well built and tall so that he can appear intimidating. Known as hanging around with the 'wrong crowd' and always getting in trouble because of it. Dressed in short sleeved school shirt and tarnished trouser with trainers. Representative of his reputation as a 'bad boy' with rolled up sleeves./ ALTERNATIVE casual but reflective of his youth and personality~Unrecognised hero
  • The 'wrong crowd'~generally like the bully as they appear tall and intimidating. Dressed similarly to the main bully, but with different versions of breaking school rules that the first guy breaks e.g one wears a slanted tie, another wears black jeans ~villains
  • Young female friend- There every time Charlie gets knocked down, by Sam, this girl is there to pick her up and 
  • Older girl~ Wearing smart business clothes to represent her maturity as she has grown up into this successful woman. Now wears make up and takes more care in her hair and has it professionally pinned back in a bun.
  • Older guy~ has more facial hair to show how he's grown up but is still wearing the trainers from high school with slightly more presentable clothes and styled hair.

Flashbacks alternate with the scenes of the characters growing up
*Flashback*1A young girl, about 16, is in school and walking down the corridor as she gets pushed to the ground by a group of boys.Low angle shot from the girl on the floors perspective of the main bully hanging over her with his well built intimidating demeanour. The girl begins to cry  as her books and papers fly across the hall and she stumbles to her feet, clutching any near by books and runs down the hall and away from the situation.
*Flashback*2 Girl is running up the stairs and crying on her bed.
*flashback*3 Girl takes her hair down and puts make up on to represent the start of her growing up.
Present scene 1:Girl  goes into work and sees the man standing in reception and she makes a dash for the stairs so she can escape to her office without him noticing.
Present scene 2: Girl paces in her office, almost in tears. Close up of a photo of her from when she was being bullied.
Present scene 3: Girl is sitting at the desk, looking down with her head in her hands and from a POV shot she can see the trainers of the bully standing at her desk.
Present shot 4: Shot of girl rising and standing eye level with the boy (as she is wearing heals) to show she's overcome her fear. This is shot from the side on to show the equality in height.
Final scene: The girl hugs the boy (after he has explained himself) and the audience presumes that they will get together. The boy says'I love you'

Sound: There will be a voice over describing her transformation into a succesful business woman with her own business as the girl walks into her office greeting everyone with a happy face. Starts before the flashback scene e.g. " I thought I'd gotten away from it all" and calm music plays until the bully is seen standing in reception and the music cuts off. The first flashback is shown with sad mood music palying in the background and echoing crying is heard as the girl fades into the background.There is a cut scene to the girl pacing in the office as the pace of the music picks up to show the drama of the scene intensifying. Transition  from a close up of the photo of the girl when she was younger into a flashback  of the girl on the same day running up her stairs and crying into her pillow after she had been bullied. Fades to black and a scene of the girl putting her hair up in a bun and putting make up on. Cuts back to the girl sitting at the desk looking down, with her head in her hand and she sees the boys trainers from a point of view shot. The music stops and only a heart beat is heard as she looks up to the boy and as it transitions to the next shot of the boy and girl standing up facing each other from the side. Happier music plays as the two hug and it ends in silence as she pulls away and leaves the boy saying "I love you".

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