Sunday 11 September 2016

summer homework

Film one

British action/thriller
produced by Eon Productions
Distributed by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and Columbia Pictures

Conventions of action/thrillers are

  • lowkey lighting
  • themes of danger
  • heroes/villans
  • guns and other weapons
  • moderate gore and violence
  • mysteries
  • phycopaths and murderers
  • quick paced edditing
  • fast paced or intense music

Skyfall - Official Trailer

Camera : the camera work in the trailer for Skyfall includes multiple shot types, which are used to represent the protagonist and antagonist as well as other characters in specific ways. for example the two shot of 007 and Q showing them as having a friendly rivalry as the older experience hardened spy and the new and young quartermaster that 007 finds hard to take seriously that the younger man is to supervise him. The shots with Bond and Silva show much more of a sinister rivalry where Silva is very condescending towards bond and taunts him, he refers to M as "mommy" mocking Bonds loyalty to M through low camera angles as well as many other shot types.
Sound : the soundtrack of the trailer is very fast paced matching the cuts and energy of the trailer. where the scenes depicted have more of a serious and less action packed fighting scenes the music comes to a lull, for example when Bond is in Ms house there is no or very quiet music which  shows the drama of the scene and brings in a focus on the emotions of the characters, how M speaks so angrily saying "where the hell have you been" although her expression is hurt.
Editing : in the trailer the editing is very fast paced. there are many cuts after each other to emphasise the action taking placed through the film, at the end of the trailer the cuts change to slower fades to black, showing slower development through the movie. however when Bond is shot the editing is slowed down, the camera follows him as he falls. as he enters the water hes is once again in slow motion to show the emptiness of him or serenity of the man as he is considered dead.
Mise-en-Scene : the mise-en-scene of the trailer is generally very formal, James Bond is wearing a suit even as he is fighting on the dusty train which highly contradict each other as one is highly formal while the dust and dirt of the country has the impression of poverty. in the scenes where bond is "enjoying death" he is dressed down to shorts, and over all looks far more casual. the locals also match him in casual dress. the scene shows bond drinking while a scorpion  crawls up his arm and an excited crowed watch eagerly. this gives the impression that bond has been roped into the situation or is showing his daredevil side to impress the locals.
Representation : the representation of  the people in the trailer both break and enforce stereotypes. while Bond, the white male hero of the film is shown as endlessly loyal, strong and masculine super spy who seduces every woman he comes across and has sex alot, he is also shown to have weaknesses after his "death" where he cant hit the target, where he takes time to himself and lets himself go, drinking at bars seemingly doing nothing else, Moneypenney is a woman who breaks and enforces stereotypes just like bond, the part of the trailer where she shaves Bond with a cut throat razor shows her as a sexual interest, someone who is in the male gaze. but she is also shown as someone strong and reliable although the trailer shows her shooting Bond after M tells her to take the shot, showing weakness in both her and M.

Film two

Captain America: civil war
american super hero
produced by Marvel Studios
Distributed by  Walt Disney Studios and Motion Pictures

Captain America : Civil War relatable 

Camera: the establishing shot is of a wintery bleak apparent wasteland with flat topped cloud covered mountains in the background, the camera is moving forward by use of crane shot, the movement is very smooth and makes the mountain and flat land look very ominous. when the avengers are sitting in the meeting the pull focus is changed from scarlet witch who is very close to the camera to show her reaction to the fall of sarkovia and then focuses on captain america who warns that "that is enough" seeing her comfort which shows him as a leader figure at the table.
sound: the non-diagetic sound track starts as slow paced chilling music, there is a voice over of captain Americans voice as the music builds into more intense the classical music shows suspense and foreboding in the action which contrast each other. these contrasting features of the trailer represents the troubled heroes as they fight against each other which in turn contrasts the stereotypes of the superhero genre where the heroes fight for the well being of the public. the voice overs of the characters in the movie give some plot away, to entice the audience and make them intrigued in the movie.
Editing: the trailer has a lot of edditing in it as with super hero movies the effects are almost impossible to pull of with out CGI. editing between scenes uses uses continuity cuts to move from out of focus scarlet witch to another angle of captain america next to black widow. the use of fading in from black is used to emphasise emotion of the scene for example the fade into sarcovia falling brings the impact of the fictional losses  and damage done.
mis-en-scene: the mise-en-scene of the trailer is very varied. while iron man is wearing a high tech suit with his face covered suggesting protection and strength through riches captain america wears thin clothing and has visible lower face and eyes, he fights with a shield against guns, which has connotations of him being peaceful. a force of protection for the american public. black widow through the movie wears normal civilian clothes and even heels in some of her fight scenes. this represents her as a powerful force to be reckoned with but still portrays her in the male gaze in skin tight clothes and heels as they wouldn't be described as easy to fight in.

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