Wednesday 21 September 2016

Narrative ideas

The Unrecognised Virtue

A girl starts off in school and a guy always bullied her so she set her dreams to fight through all the odds and devote her life to becoming successful and overpowering the bully. However, she didn’t realise that what she saw as bullying was the boy trying to protect her. He devoted his life to protecting her, anything that happened to her she always caught him trying to protect something from happening to her but at an incriminating time.
Act 1- Set upAct 2- ConfrontationTemporary solution- She avoids talking to him and passes his jobs onto him through other people.Act 3- ResolutionA flashback scene of a school setting in which some boys, main guy in the foreground, and the girl runs away in tears whilst clutching her books to her chest. However, the boy was in the front as he was trying to hold the guys back which gave the girl time to run away. The girls eyes were so filled with tears she couldn't tell the difference so being shot from her point of view shows the audience what she sees and initially makes them feel sorry for her.
The girl overcomes her fears and there are shots of her at present in her new and successful career in which she has created out of determination of this guy dragging her down over so many years. However, when she thinks that she has finally gotten past this guy that she believes has traumatised her for so many years he turns up out of the blue with a job in her business.

He approaches her and tries to tell her of how she had got him wrong the whole time and confesses his love for her. He explains the bullying situation and the audience sees the flashback scenes again as a whole, not just from her perspective.
Plot twist
She is already in a happy and flourishing relationship with a girl, that helped her when she believed she was being bullied, so leaves him heart broken.
- Georgina Dunshee, group mate.

First Thoughts 

The Wanderer but gay

a new student and a class clown.
Mei enters school for the first time, shes excited for school to start but nervous. Mei looks over the reception and sees a girl with brightly coloured hair sitting in the waiting seats. Alex is a class clown, she works hard but can't help but disrupt classes and teachers with pranks. when Mei, the reserved exchange student who is focused on work with a kind face and shy attitude towards sociability. Alex finds herself with a school girl crush on Mei but finds all her confidence and cockiness melts into a puddle around her, when she tries to joke its rude and hurtful. at the start of Mei's first term Alex made it a mission to bring her into a world where there's more than just work. in the end its Meis' world Alex is brought into, when Alex's grades start dropping she is pulled into the head office over and over. Mei comes forward and offers her helping hand. when things start to get more romantic Mei seizes up and avoids alex, shes scared of how her family might react. when she starts to search for a different school alex confronts mei, worrying about her health and education. 

Horror genre

( set up ) the trailer starts with a slow zoom in on a book with a bow wrapped around it. then cuts to a teenage girl looking out of a classroom window, she is bored of the lesson she is in.
( development ) the girl walks into the room with the book, the book is in the middle of the floor. she kneels down in front of the book. images of the girl running from something quickly pass by as the girl puts her hand of the book. she slowly starts to undo the bow on the book as the clips continue. she opens the book and the camera shuts down after having "errors". the next scene is the girl running again, looking back at something.
( the resolution ) the book lying on the floor open. the clip of the girl undoing the bow is played in reverse.

The Quest

when a school girl looses a family air loom she challenges herself to track it down. when her friends tell her to drop the search she is heart broken and gets angry at them all for not supporting her. when a boy her age promises to help it turns out badly.

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