Wednesday 14 December 2016

Romantic Comedy film posters

 Image result for romantic comedy posters  Image result for romantic comedy posters
from these movie posters the general assumption I have formed about romantic comedy film posters is that both main characters (male and female) are often on the poster, this convention could help me in making my poster to fit the romantic comedy genre.
another convention i can recognise is the gap or block in between the two characters, this suggests that the characters are not together for the whole movie and maybe have something that separates them, which would fit the narrative of my film trailer because the characters Charlie and Sam have an emotional barrier between them through their interactions, pasts and presents.

i also found that there was a lot of romantic comedy film posters where to two staring characters were back to back. this suggests a barrier between the two characters in a less physical way than the two before. this suggests to me as an audience member that there is something the two characters are required to overcome. whether it is social expectations, memories, a difference in aims or political and personal differences.
i believe i could intergrate this into my movie poster because of the historical barrier between my main characters. this is important to me because i believe that showing there is a barrier between my characters will suggest to an audience how the film is set.
i also notice that majority of the film posters i have examined have been a full body shot or a medium long shot. this suggest that the clothes that the actors are wearing represents them as characters because they are so visable. i believe that it would be important to portray my characters persoalities and actions through their clothes to give the audience a broader idea of what the movie and characters will be like.

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