Wednesday 14 December 2016

Location pictures

Plants brook school (corridor east wing and Reception)

this location was chosen to fit the theme of younger years in the characters lives, the scenes shot here will include the parts of Charlie and Sams lives when they were in school with each other. the main scene here is the one where Sam pushes Charlie over and she is helped up by her friend.

in the school building the risks could be formed in the abandonment of equipment for visually impaired students who could hurt themselves if our equipment was left untended , as well as the possible damage of equipment. to over come this risk the equipment should always be watched over.

another risk could be the inclusion of school students who have not consented to being in the scene, to reduce the occurrence of this risk we should film after school or during lessons to decrease the amount of students present.

Bedrooms (Georgina and Dawns houses)

when we are filming in bedrooms for scenes where charlie is younger then older we could risk the safety of the equipment and or actors because of tripping hazards from prop placement being in the way of the filming process. in the younger Charlies' bedroom we have planned for her to run into the room, this could mean our actor runs into objects hurting herself. to overcome this risk we decided to make sure that the floor of the room was clear, for ease of actor movement and also because we could have experienced issues when we attempted to move the tripod and camera around the small spaces. another precaution we could take especially when moving the camera would be to pick the tripod up to move it more easily as not to let the legs of the tripod catch on the floors. In the room we have chosen to use for Older Charlie's room there are a set of stairs going up to the room, a precaution we could take to reduce risk of damage involving the stairs is stay away from them, film from angles not close to the top of the stairs. This would be important as we should be cautious of damaging the equipment from dropping it down the stairs causing a greater amount of damage than dropping it on a floor.

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