Wednesday 23 November 2016

Endless Trailer Script

Scene 1 

Office Corridor 

Charlie is casually walking down the corridor checking files of profit sales or Employees. Employees are greeting her as they walk past making it just a normal day at the office. 

“this place is doing great, I'm so proud of every one, this feels almost perfect!”

As she walks towards her office she bumps into an older Sam and she falls to the ground.

in the trailer the scene will transition abruptly to black

Charlie (voice over) :“I thought it was all over”

Production company intertitle

End of scene 1

Scene 2

School Corridor

Flashback to Charlie's school years.
Charlie is walking down a section of the school corridor alone, as she turns the bend a group of boys come into view. This group is known as the 'wrong crowd' and Sam is part of them. 

One of the member’s push Sam into Charlie and she falls to the floor. The Camera will become Charlie’s point of view and what she sees is a blurry image of a boy hovering over her. The boy is Sam. Through the blurriness she notices that he has a bracelet on his wrist. This will be the object of significance. At this point Charlie is beginning to tear up which causes the blurriness. Faint crying heard.
*back ground laughter from the "wrong crowd"*

Jesse enters and helps Charlie up and they walk away while Sam is distracted. 

“come on lets go”

“Thanks Jesse” 

sam looks down the corridor as the girls continue to walk.

End of scene 2

Scene 3

Charlie’s office

Charlie is walking back and forth questioning herself about what happened back in the reception. She is confused.

“who was that? why did.. 
why did he look so much like...?"

She continues to walk back and forth but stops as she notices the picture on her desk

“I remember… the day i made that promise”

She moves towards the picture and picks it up. She looks at it sadly at it. The camera at this point will be from the picture and it will cut to reveal the image. 

End of Scene 3

Scene 4

Charlie’s bedroom 
Charlie runs up the stairs and she goes to her room. She lies on her bed crying 
voiceover: "today was awful, why does this always happen?"
"you know what?"
Charlie sits up
"I'm going to be successful to prove him wrong"
*musical interlude*

End of scene 4

Scene 5

Charlie’s office 

Charlie is standing behind her desk her face shows mixed emotions. There is a knock on the door 

Charlie quietly : “not now”

The door opens anyway and Sam walks in silently,Charlie does not notice.
 He walks over to the desk she is sitting behind. 
he rests his hands onto of the desk in the area that Charlie is looking down at

Charlie: "excuse me i said"
sees the watch
"...not now"

Sam: I'm sorry

Charlie eyes widen as she is shock realising who it is. She looks up at him. 

takes a deep breathe in

End of scene 5

Scene 6 

A young Charlie looks into the mirror in her bedroom while adding make up messily, this is to show inexperience with makeup. When she finishes the camera will start to rotate to show the mirror then back to Charlie when she is grown up. This will hide the reveal when the camera comes back around from a 180 degree turn. Voiceover

End of scene 6

Scene 7

opening the door to the office with out knocking
“Charlie, Boss. Come on you’re going to be late for the meeting."
starts to pull Charlie out of the room
"Oh, by the way who was he”

“I'm, I don't know but I think, I know you won’t believe when I tell you”

The girls leave and Sam is again left on his own

standing silently left in the office

End of scene 7

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