Tuesday 18 October 2016

Trailer setup

Act 1- Set up~equilibrium
A flashback scene of a school setting in which some boys, main guy in the foreground, and the girl runs away in tears whilst clutching her books to her chest. However, the boy was in the front as he was trying to hold the guys back which gave the girl time to run away. The girls eyes were so filled with tears she couldn't tell the difference so being shot from her point of view shows the audience what she sees and initially makes them feel sorry for her.
Act 2- Confrontation~dis-equilibrium
The girl overcomes her fears and there are shots of her at present in her new and successful career in which she has created out of determination of this guy dragging her down over so many years. 
However, when she thinks that she has finally gotten past this guy that she believes has traumatised her for so many years he turns up out of the blue with a job in her business.
Temporary solution- She avoids him and runs into her office.
Act 3- Resolution~Re-equilibrium
He approaches her and tries to tell her of how she had got him wrong the whole time and confesses his love for her. He explains the bullying situation and the audience sees the flashback scenes again as a whole, not just from her perspective.
Plot twist
She is already in a happy and flourishing relationship with a girl, that helped her when she believed she was being bullied, so leaves him heart broken.
  • The young girl-Charlie~feminine and vulnerable looking. Stereotypical geek with glasses and her hair in bunches or a ponytail. Dressed in a school uniform/ ALTERNATIVE- geeky casual clothes e.g. school uniform like but her own choice skirt, jumper, shirt,  long skirt and wooly tights with sensible shoes, books in her hand.-Damsel
  • The young bully-Sam~ Well built and tall so that he can appear intimidating. Known as hanging around with the 'wrong crowd' and always getting in trouble because of it. Dressed in short sleeved school shirt and tarnished trouser with trainers. Representative of his reputation as a 'bad boy' with rolled up sleeves./ ALTERNATIVE casual but reflective of his youth and personality~Unrecognised hero
  • The 'wrong crowd'~generally like the bully as they appear tall and intimidating. Dressed similarly to the main bully, but with different versions of breaking school rules that the first guy breaks e.g one wears a slanted tie, another wears black jeans ~villains
  • Young female friend- There every time Charlie gets knocked down, by Sam, this girl is there to pick her up and 
  • Older girl~ Wearing smart business clothes to represent her maturity as she has grown up into this successful woman. Now wears make up and takes more care in her hair and has it professionally pinned back in a bun.
  • Older guy~ has more facial hair to show how he's grown up but is still wearing the trainers from high school with slightly more presentable clothes and styled hair.

Flashbacks alternate with the scenes of the characters growing up
*Flashback*1A young girl, about 16, is in school and walking down the corridor as she gets pushed to the ground by a group of boys.Low angle shot from the girl on the floors perspective of the main bully hanging over her with his well built intimidating demeanour. The girl begins to cry  as her books and papers fly across the hall and she stumbles to her feet, clutching any near by books and runs down the hall and away from the situation.
*Flashback*2 Girl is running up the stairs and crying on her bed.
*flashback*3 Girl takes her hair down and puts make up on to represent the start of her growing up.
Present scene 1:Girl  goes into work and sees the man standing in reception and she makes a dash for the stairs so she can escape to her office without him noticing.
Present scene 2: Girl paces in her office, almost in tears. Close up of a photo of her from when she was being bullied.
Present scene 3: Girl is sitting at the desk, looking down with her head in her hands and from a POV shot she can see the trainers of the bully standing at her desk.
Present shot 4: Shot of girl rising and standing eye level with the boy (as she is wearing heals) to show she's overcome her fear. This is shot from the side on to show the equality in height.
Final scene: The girl hugs the boy (after he has explained himself) and the audience presumes that they will get together. The boy says'I love you'

Sound: There will be a voice over describing her transformation into a succesful business woman with her own business as the girl walks into her office greeting everyone with a happy face. Starts before the flashback scene e.g. " I thought I'd gotten away from it all" and calm music plays until the bully is seen standing in reception and the music cuts off. The first flashback is shown with sad mood music palying in the background and echoing crying is heard as the girl fades into the background.There is a cut scene to the girl pacing in the office as the pace of the music picks up to show the drama of the scene intensifying. Transition  from a close up of the photo of the girl when she was younger into a flashback  of the girl on the same day running up her stairs and crying into her pillow after she had been bullied. Fades to black and a scene of the girl putting her hair up in a bun and putting make up on. Cuts back to the girl sitting at the desk looking down, with her head in her hand and she sees the boys trainers from a point of view shot. The music stops and only a heart beat is heard as she looks up to the boy and as it transitions to the next shot of the boy and girl standing up facing each other from the side. Happier music plays as the two hug and it ends in silence as she pulls away and leaves the boy saying "I love you".

Friday 14 October 2016

Logo ideas

Digimagic- This  name suggests to the audience that we are good at the digital aspects of film making, such as: filming, editing, promotion etc and therefore hopefully foreshadows our success as a business. The magical aspect of the studio name offers the audience a form of escapism from our films which, from my research, is a key reason an audience decides ro watch a film.
This magic is shown in the logo as despite being a simple design, the stars represent happiness and imagination. The turquoise colour choice represents the calm atmosphere of the films, expected from a romantic comedy, telling the audience the company does not create horror films.
Romantistar-The idea for the name Romantistar came from the merging of the style of films the studio would produce, with the image of a star as it suggests that we as a company are aiming to be successful as stars connate as being associated with dreams and goals.
-The design is simple and representative if the style films the company has chosen to make as well as the name of the company.The colour red connotes as love and romance which is suggested by th heart shape. The heart in the middle is a neutral purple which stands out behind the title which is yellow like a star.

-It is a simple design and the star in the logo is representative of the name and therefore means hope and possibly romance as it is  a cliche romantic setting in films and therefore also represents the romantic part of the company name.

I liked the design of this production company logo because it had connotations of photo frames in scrap books where they are held in place by the corners. this logo design had issues because i felt it wasn't very interesting and didn't stand out  compared to others i had designed. 

i felt this one was nice however felt it didn't look very professional, i went with the same idea of scrap book photo frames but didnt know how else to improve the design and felt other designs were a better way to go. 

Wednesday 5 October 2016


Sam, a boy in Charlie’s school, trips and inadvertently pushes Charlie to the floor in a school corridor. Comforted by her friend Charlie promises herself that she will out overcome the odds of school life.  She vows to become a confident and successful business owner who will leave people like the school bullies behind. However, in the future Sam secures a job with Charlie's company and Charlie is forced to confront Sam as her new self, even as she attempts to avoid him.

Start (in school) : Charlie is walking down a school corridor alone, when 'The wrong crowd' see her walking down the corridor, the group of boys notice her walking towards them avoiding eye contact that is until Sam smacks into Charlie forcefully pushing her over, making her drop her books.  Laughter is loud in her ears as Charlie starts to tear up. When she rushes to get up and messily collects her belongings she runs down the corridor leaving some sheets behind her trying to hold back her tears.  Charlie bumps into one of her friends clumsily and bursts, the friend tries to comfort her and walks with her down the corridor away from "The Wrong Crowd" who are laughing with Sam. The next time Charlie is seen she is running upstairs to her room after getting home, she sits down and starts sobbing on her bed, some time passes until she slowly gets to her feet and walks carefully to the mirror in her room. Over Charlie's shoulder the audience sees her hand move to a bag of makeup and start to rummage through it, she looks into her reflections' eyes with a determined look, at this point it is shown to the audience Charlie's goal of beating her current odds and becoming successful enough to leave people like "The Wrong Crowd" behind her. As she starts putting foundation on the camera pivots around her from the view of the reflection to her real self, to show she has grown up the room around her changes during the pan to show the passage of time and that it is now the future.  Charlie is all grown up getting ready for a new day at work, Charlie's makeup gives the impression of effortless application and her clothes have connotations of professionalism and formality.

Charlie walks down a set of stairs and picks up keys before leaving her house, her chin is slightly tilted up in confidence and she is smiling as she leaves her house. Following Charlie through doors the scene changes from a homely setting to the binary opposite of a building, which seems boring and strict on the outside.   However, as Charlie enters she greets other workers as she passes them and they cheerily greet her back. Her wide smile breaks the assumption of the cold building until she notices Sam standing at reception signing in. As he turns his head looking around she spins around to avoid eye contact frantically moving away from reception and him as she walks quickly to her office avoiding eye contact with everybody she passes, the other people wear confused or concerned faces as she hurries past them. Charlie walks into her office and quickly shuts the door behind her and leans back against it, head in her hands. Passing in front of her desk. Short flashbacks of Sam pushing her over, play while she paces to her office. She sits at her desk with her head in her hands, from a point of view shot the focus becomes blurry as though she is tearing up at the memory. She barely hears the quiet knock on the door as somebody pushes the door open and she ducks her head further down. When the door closes again hands are placed down on her desk and she sees the bitterly familiar watch she remembered from her school days. The music stops and only a heartbeat is heard as she looks up to Sam's face.  Biting her lip and taking a deep breath Charlie stands and raises her head to look forward at Sam. The shot transitions to the next shot of the two of them both standing awkwardly apart in the office. After a long silence Sam stutters out an apology, clearly nervous, he trips over his words and bows his head in embarrassment. Charlie stares at him in disbelief and starts to laugh a little out of shock but covers her mouth, her confusion comes from the memory of the confident, mean boy who made her feel so terrorised at school.  She imagined that Sam would have grown up to be but instead he is standing nervously in front of her in her very own office which she worked hard in for a life time working to get over how he treated her. Sam sinking back into himself mumbles another apology and asks if she would hear him out. Charlie blinks not knowing what to say, she gives a half nod and Sam takes his opportunity and starts to explain his position in what Charlie saw as bullying. Sam starts the explanation of saying, "do, do you remember when we were at school together, and- and I made you cry a lot? Actually, mean you probably do you practically avoided me for years, although I don't see why you would because you seem to have a good life for yourself and I don't see why you'd remember that-" Charlie cuts him off sitting down and stating she remembers it like it was yesterday relaxing back in her chair showing control over the room having her previous business woman like confident attitude, the tables have turned to where he is nervous of her and she feels pride in success but is conflicted as she wanted to leave him behind. Sam's shoulders sink in disappointment, he gathers his courage to speak again and talks about how all of the times she thought he was bullying her it was his "friends" in 'the wrong crowd' mocking him for having a crush on her. Sam explained how he tried to stop them from stealing her pencil case the one time but instead as he was putting it back in her bag he was seen which made it look like he was the one trying to take her stuff, or the other times like when his friends were waiting in the dinner queue when they were trying to push her food into her when same tried to steady the tray they let go and Sam ended up flipping her food onto the floor. Charlie is looking at him shocked as he tries to explain it but just then the friend who helped her after Sam tripped her over at the beginning, opens the door with her back and walks carefully into the room with drinks in both hands and a chocolate held in her teeth, she notices Sam and looks between them quickly walking to the desk and putting the drinks down Jesse, the friend in question doesn't recognise Sam and starts to introduce herself to him saying welcome to the job and asks him if he is assigned to work with Charlie for the day, with a tinge of jealousy in her voice, Sam shakes his head trying to hold up a smile but notices Charlie’s attention has been completely lost to him as he shies away from the pair of women, Sam leaves the room quietly as the two start to talk on friendly terms and he silently curses himself for not having the courage to talk to her properly.

Cutting to the next day the audience is following Sam walking through the doors he half-heatedly greets another worker before signing in at reception he looks to the side and notices Charlie and her Jesse talking at the door, Charlie walks into her office as Jesse walks off to do other things a lingering smile on her face. Sam takes a deep breath and walks up to the door again, knocking on the door he tries to talk himself into speaking confidently however hearing Charlies' voice tell him to come in he slowly opens the door and walks inside, He notices Charlie is already deep in her work with a smile on her face as she looks up. Her face shifts to mild shock; he convinces himself to not let it phase him. He speaks a little more confidently than the day before as he says again how he was not trying to bully or hurt Charlie and instead claims he was trying to stop it from happening to her. Charlie’s expression hardens, realising the mistake that she had made in her early life. Charlie however is now a very busy woman who has a lot of work to do, instead of giving Sam a long conversation she informs him how busy she is but thanks him for trying to help, she invites him to have dinner with her in a few nights.  He visibly lights up and seems excitable at this prospect, she waves him out of her room and carries on with her work, walking out of the office Sam is wearing a big smile and greets other workers more positively than he had earlier

At the restaurant Charlie picked out to go to they talk about the past and make amends with each other. Charlie brings up the point that because of him she would not have been so inspired to be successful, or rather because of "the wrong crowd" she corrects herself. Awkwardly laughing Sam suggests at least he was good for that, the evening continues with them joking together and laughing, at the end of their meal Charlie pays for the food and puts on her coat. Sam follows a little embarrassed at him not paying like stereotypes suggest he should have, as they walk outside Charlie goes to say goodbye with a shake of his hand but Sam having taken the night differently pulls her in to kiss her, she ducks down and he kisses her forehead but he whispers into her hair "I love you" to which Charlie doesn't reply trying to back out of the situation. Sam, offended, starts on that he has always loved her, that's why he tried to stop them, that's why he tried to protect her.  Charlie however continues to look worried, she starts to blush when she realises that he thought she had taken him on a date to the restaurant when really she had just meant to show her appreciation to him.  She puts her hands up defensively and quietly speaks that she is already taken. Sam infuriated demands who by, at which Charlie glares back to him "by Jesse" Charlie leaves Sam stunned as she walks away. 

how to make a movie trailer

this is research from media magazine april 2014, which will help me in my coursework

Tuesday 4 October 2016

The audience

my primary audience is going to be females age 15-25 who enjoy romance movies, this is because research on romance movie audiences show that younger girls are more likely to watch romance movies, as groups with their friends or with their partner as romance films are said to be more casual movies for people to watch with more lighthearted themes and focuses its easily something audiences have fun while watching.my secondary audience would be a mixed gender group of 35-45 year olds as these are the second highest group research proves that show interest in romance films. although again the higher interest levels rest with females of that age, i believe it is important to have a mixed target audience because this firstly increases the audience size and possible profit for a movie but also because a film is made to entertain and the more people it can entertain the more successful a film is perceived. i believe the characters being teen aged to young adults would fit best with the target audience of my film as this could be something they could relate to while the secondary audience might find it harder to relate to the movie first hand they may still connect having already lived that part of their lives. On the JICNAR scale of demographics i believe my primary audience would fit to D-E as they are likely to be students or young university graduates with no or low paid jobs as they have low levels of experience for work, while my secondary audience would fit into the C1-C2 portion of the jicnar scale as they are assumed to have higher payed jobs than younger groups of people. In their spare time my target audience are likely to spend time socialising with their peers on social media and in person, they are likely to take part in clubs with their hobbies in mind while also trying to do things to keep them active as well as to increase their likely hood of being employed, roles in which they can learn social skills like leadership and teamwork ect.. they are likely to have the income or money to spend on entertainment such as games and movies. my primary audience's lifestyle I assume to be fit and social. i expect that older women in my target audience are likely to drink alcohol responsibly with friends on social outings, but the younger of my target to not. my film will be aimed at first world countries so i assume my audience to have fulfilling lives and good education, i expect them to have a social media presence on sites like facebook twitter and youtube as these are common social sites which younger people tend to use frequently. from experience my target audience are most liekly to consume media products through the internet on their phones or on their computers personally, while tv is still quite a big platform for media consumption. my secondary audience are however more likely to consume media through their TVs as they have the money for it as well as it being more common in their age group due to the newer platforms being focused mostly toward younger audiences.i expect that my audience are likely to fit into the "mainstreamer" label of the pycographic theory, this is because it is easy to fit into as you are younger, peer pressure to be like everybody else may aid this but younger people tend to share the same interests as each other or similar at least. i imagine my secondary audience are likely to fit into the "succeeder" label as the stereotypes for 35-45 year olds are that they are successful and organised, they have good work ethics but are still social with their peers.