Wednesday 10 May 2017

question 3

audience feedback:
i asked my audience a few questions about my final products.

From my audience feedback I recognise I could have introduced Sams character better than I had as some of my audience members didn’t know who he was. To do this I could have had something like Charlies’ introduction where we got to hear the voice and the character side by side right after the other. Another way I could have done this is by introducing them both at the same time with intertitles on a split screen while this didn’t fit with the editing style I was going for it did fit with the romantic comedy genre.

The genre is another issue, my audience didn’t recognise the comedic part of the trailer and therefore suggested to me that the comedy part wasn’t as highlighted as it should have been, this was difficult for me to recognise myself as when I was filming it certain parts seemed very funny while it is also apparent that my humour might be different to my audiences.

While the base of the story is supposed to tease the romantic interest sam has in Charlie, my trailer had my audience confused about who was interested in who, I could have dispelled this by including the scene in which Jesse kisses Charlies cheek or I could have rewritten a scene to make it more obvious that Sam is the one in love.

Throughout my product I also gathered audience feedback through different ways, my first feedback was on my film logo and production company logo:

in which we saw that our audience had different views to us, we altered our chosen design to fit in with the audience chosen one My group created a survey monkey to gather audience feedback on the film logo designs created, the results showed our target audience preferred the following design

we decided that we would merge this design with the one we chose as a group with the fading effect.

 I agreed with this because i felt it left a good impression of the movie in the trailer and was unique enough for an audience to remember the design of it. another point i enjoyed of the Audience chosen design was that the text was thicker than the one my group chose. this meant that I could adapt my designs to incorporate the preferred elements of the designs. 

and also got feedback on what my target audience would like to see narrative wise and misenscene wise:

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