Tuesday 21 June 2016

Shot list

Group: James, Natalie and Dawn
Genre: A horror chase 

Plot: A group of people investigate a murder that took place at an abandoned house or building. When they arrive, the group notice that something ain't right. The victim haunts and attacks any passers by as revenge for her death. The group are chased and have to survive by putting the evidence together and without fear. 

Actors: James

Characters: Jack, James, Rebecca, The victim

Shot list
1. Establishing shot of the group arriving arriving at destination
2. Low angled shot of the crime
3. Close up on James as he explains the murder that occurred 
4. Extreme close up on Jack's eyes as he turns to reveal the victim behind him 
5. Medium shot of James as he says run. 
6. Tracking shot of the group running 
7. High angled shot of the group discussing the evidence they found
8. Over the shoulder shot of James hiding with Rebecca while victim walks past
9. Long shot of the group standing while victim stands off for suspense 
10. Point of view of picking up Object (Evidence)
11. Medium close up of victim


  • Where are we going
  • Mobile phone 
  • murder weapon
  • flashlight 

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