Wednesday 22 June 2016

Analysis of movie posters

Through research i have tried to explain what makes these movie posters successful and engaging to the audience.

colour use to show emphasis
date of release
famous cast members on the poster.
Staring cast names
a hint to what the movie is about
title of film, big text, bottom of poster centred
production blurb below title
tag line of movie
unique fonts made for movie (star wars)
where the movie eschewing
social network information
dark backgrounds, contrasting points of interest.

Tuesday 21 June 2016

Knife Throw

there are 4 clips in this video.
from this i learnt how over the shoulder shots include the audience in the action of the shot, and how quick editing between shots can make scenes look more realistic while you don't actually have to throw an object at another person.

i also learnt how to appropriately position the camera to get smooth shots of a scene.
Also i learn that the shots of a scene don't have to be edited in the order they were filmed as the second clip was the last my group filmed.

Camera Research:
first steps of the camera set up were to extend and lock the legs of the tripod in place meaning we could have a set height to film at.
when attatching the camera to the tripod the platen needed to be removed, when i put the camera on i made sure that it was securely screwed into the platen so that it wouldn't fall off or tilt when it wasn't meant to.
turning the camera on opened the lense cover to the camera my group were using.
the crank handle was needed to raise or lower the camera to the height i needed it to be. i could set it to stick at the height.
using the zoom function allowed me to get close ups on the objects without needing to move the camera.
i found it interesting to try to use the pan handle to be able to rotate the camera around to film panning shots.
then i was able to do the same through tilting but by locking the pan handle and loosening another.
to get a canted angle my group were able to use the tilt locking nut, this made the footage look disorientating to an audience



location: outside of a building, time : evening. characters: James, jack, rebeca. (casual clothes) victim (dressed in white clothes? blood stained shirt) props: flash light
establishing shot of the group walking up to the house they are talking between each other.
low angle shot of the location.
camera cuts to a close up ask James explains the crime. 
james: i heard that there was murder here recently, it was a young woman, she lived close by. people say that the murderer was her ex boyfriend who accused her of cheating on him. he supposedly stabbed her in the chest and left her to die in this very house. people have spread rumours that her angry "spirit" haunts this place seeking revenge on the man that killed her. 
camera cuts to an extreme close up on jacks' eyes. jack who has his back to the house. his eyes widen. his head turns and he moves to the side to reveal a woman with blood on her clothes standing at the door step looking at them.
camera looks to james at a medium close up on james. 

location: outside, characters : games jack rebeca time: night. props: mobile phone
camera cuts to a hand held tracking shot of the group running from the house,
music plays as they run
they stop and hide behind something.
high angle shot from the top of where the group are hidden behind 
JACK (calling the police) : come on, come on.
no signal, damn it.
JAMES : we know what we found.
JACK : but she's angry, you said she wanted revenge man?
REBECA : we have to do something? right?
JACK : what can WE do? 

location : interior of house, looking into a dark room, lights off, open doors. the dead woman walks past the open door slowly looking around. as she passes James and Rebeca lok around the corners of the door the camera is over James' shoulder looking out after the woman and then looking the other way. 
(music plays)

location: outside, time: night/evening (dark out) characters: james, jack, rebeca, victim
long shot of the group looking at the woman from a distance, the woman back is turned to the camera.

location: inside, time: night. characters: james props: knife
point of view shot of james picking up a bloodied knife from the ground. 

location: outside. Time: night (dark out) , characters: victim. 
medium close up of victim. she is looking directly at the camera. her facial expression is angry and she's yelling there is no audio. (maybe a voice over)

Shot list

Group: James, Natalie and Dawn
Genre: A horror chase 

Plot: A group of people investigate a murder that took place at an abandoned house or building. When they arrive, the group notice that something ain't right. The victim haunts and attacks any passers by as revenge for her death. The group are chased and have to survive by putting the evidence together and without fear. 

Actors: James

Characters: Jack, James, Rebecca, The victim

Shot list
1. Establishing shot of the group arriving arriving at destination
2. Low angled shot of the crime
3. Close up on James as he explains the murder that occurred 
4. Extreme close up on Jack's eyes as he turns to reveal the victim behind him 
5. Medium shot of James as he says run. 
6. Tracking shot of the group running 
7. High angled shot of the group discussing the evidence they found
8. Over the shoulder shot of James hiding with Rebecca while victim walks past
9. Long shot of the group standing while victim stands off for suspense 
10. Point of view of picking up Object (Evidence)
11. Medium close up of victim


  • Where are we going
  • Mobile phone 
  • murder weapon
  • flashlight 

Monday 13 June 2016

preliminary activity

For the preliminary activity you will be working in groups of three or four.

You will be producing a moving image product for a short narrative within a genre of the following:   
  • western gunfight 
  • horror chase
  • romantic encounter
  • gangster deal
The product must be no longer than 60 seconds and the work should be planned and divided between the group.  All members must develop their practical skills in the use of the camera, tripod, editing and sound.  Each member of the group will produce their own edit.

The project must include;
  • a shotlist
  • a storyboard
  • a script
  • 2 characters
  • use of all of the camera shots/ angles and movements listed below
  • dialogue 
  • titles
  • a soundtrack
  • mise-en-scene
  • a final product
Shots that you must include:

1.Establishing shot
2. Long shot
3. Medium shot
4. Close-up
5. Extreme close-up
6. Low angle shot
7. High angle shot
8. Medium close-up
9. Tracking shot
10.Over the shoulder shot
11.Point of view shot

Project Brief

20% Research and Planning

60% Construction
  • comprising
    • 40% Main products: a theatrical movie trailer and a teaser trailer
    • 10% Ancillary products 1: a billboard poster and an A4 poster
    • 10% Ancillary products 2: a movie magazine front cover and a DVD front cover
20% Evaluation

In this course i have been tasked to create theatrical and teaser trailers, the theatrical trailer will be from 2 to 3 minutes in length, and the teaser to be much shorter, about 30 seconds for the marketing of a movie. Along with these trailers the task asks for a pill board poster, an A4 poster for a movie magazine and a DVD cover for the movie.